惠州0204晶圆电阻诚信企业 盛雷城晶圆电阻批发古代厨师叫什么
2024-02-25 00:42  浏览:34
1分钟前 惠州0204晶圆电阻诚信企业 盛雷城晶圆电阻批发[雷城电阻7d61f03]内容:

2015年4.23号,BSI 公司(英国英标管理体系认证(北京)有限公司,负责质量管理体系认证、环境管理体系认证、职业健康安全管理体系认证工作),在盛雷城精密电阻有限公司进行了年度审核。

经过2人天的严格审核,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司的ISO-9001:2008质量保障体系以符合的成绩通过了2015年度的审核,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司的质量保证体系运行状况非常优良,严格按照ISO9001 的文件要求进行,同时并行的 6S 体系为 ISO 质量保证体系提供了更好的环境与员工精神与企业文化建设基础。协会性质:中国电子元件行业协会(CECA)是由电子元件行业的企(事)业单位自愿组成的、行业性的、全国性的、非营利性的社会组织。

的质量保证体系是产品的基础,而盛雷城精密电阻有限公司的宗旨与 同仁堂的店训:炮制虽繁必不敢省人工, 品味虽贵必不敢减物力!完全一致,偷工减料,生产制造中国的电阻器,生产制造中国的高精密电阻器,生产制造中国的超电阻器与各种电阻器以满足我们用户的生产、研发、发展需要,就是盛雷城精密电阻有限公司的阻值!盛雷城精密电阻现有在职员工100余人,生产、技术、管理人员各司其职,在各自的岗位兢兢业业努力工作,齐心合力将盛雷城这个大家庭做大做强。

THUNDER PRECISION RESISTOR CO. is a 25 years experienced professional manufacturer of special resistors in Southern part of China. Most of the resistors made by Thunder Precision Resistors are high precision with quite low temperature coefficient. Most of the precision resistors made by Thunder Precision Resistors are of long term stability and reliability.



盛雷城精密电阻有限公司成立于1992年,是制造高精密电阻的生产厂家,公司拥有完整的检测仪器和设备,技术力量雄厚,管理和生产技术先进, 工厂贯彻执行ISO9001:2015版质量管理体系,“质量第DIYI一,用户至上” 是我们奉行的一贯宗旨,提供完善及时的售后服务是我们始终如一的承诺与坚持,我们竭诚欢迎国内外新老用户与我们携手共进,共创美好未来!100Ohm电阻精度高达±1%?温度系数:TCR:±20ppm/°C?全焊接工艺结构超低分布参数:(<。

Thunder Precison Resistor Co.,Ltd. was founded in 1992. Itis a manufacturer specializing in producing high precision resistors,The company has a complete detection instruments and equipment, strong technical force, advanced production technology and management of the factory, comprehensively implement the ISO9001:2015 quality management system, the quality first, the user is supreme 'is our viding complete and timely customer serviceis our commitment and from beginning to end, we sincerely welcome domestic and foreign the new and old customers and we work together to create a better future!ProductssalethroughoutChinaandexportedtotheinternationalmarket。

盛雷城精密电阻有限公司很早就开始采用欧洲和美国先进的生产工艺和材料,为精密仪器仪表和精密衡器以及电子天平等生产企业提供具有较高要求的EE系列模压型电阻器,这种电阻采用黑色的硅胶塑封成型,俗称为黑电阻,具有很高的稳定性和可靠性以及非常小的温度系数,其高稳定性、高可靠性、超、低TCR的特性, 得到了仪器仪表客户的一致好评和肯定。

THUNDER Precision Resistor Co. Ltd. started everyearlier to use the advanced production technology and material fromEurope and the United States.The company provide EE series molded type resistor to fulfill high requirement for precision instruments, precision electronic balance, weighing apparatus and other production enterprises. This kind ofresistances mold with silicone, commonly known as black resistance. it has very high stability and reliability as well as the temperature coefficient is verylower, Because of its high stability, high reliability, high precision, low TCR properties, the products are obtained high quality instrumentation customers' praise and recognition.
